Study participants were genotyped using either the Affymetrix UK Biobank Axiom array, the Illumina Infinium Core Exome 24v1 or the Affymetrix SNP Array 5.0. Within each genotyping subset, aptamer levels were transformed using rank-based inverse normal transformation. Transformed aptamer levels were then adjusted for age, sex, sample collection site and 10 principal components and the residuals used as input for the genetic association analyses. Results for the three genotyping arrays were combined in a fixed-effects meta-analysis. An effect increase/decrease by one unit corresponds to a 1 s.d. increase/decrease of the transformed and adjusted aptamer levels.
GRCh37 coordinates only. Query size is limited to 200kb.
rs ID:
+/- bp:
Retrieve association data up to 100kb up- and downstream of the query SNP.
ENSEMBL gene identifier:
Hint: perform a gene id lookup by entering a gene symbol (e.g., FADS1).
By default, associations with p ≤ 0.05 for all protein targets are shown. You can adjust the p-value threshold or select targets in the advanced options.
To enhance the perfomance of queries over a wide genomic range, select a more restrictive p-value threshold and/or limit the number of targets.